Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The next few things

I had a look at Rollyo and while I can understand and appreciate the idea of it, I know that it will never replace Google, either in the world at large or in my tiny little part of it. I like the idea especially that one can limit by 'reference' sites, since is that not the first thing one needs to learn when using a search engine - how to sort the possibly credible information from the less possibly? Information literacy, man. Limiting by .edu or .info or whatever is a step in that direction (but again you can do that in Google already, eh?)
My first venture into technorati began this morning as I was led there by a click from a cbc news article (Tim Hortons are raising their coffee prices in some parts of Canada, btw). Very interesting (not the coffee prices, although what I would not give for a lovely coffee and maple doughnut about now.... cue Homer Simpson 'hmm, doughnuts...) stuff I got into, too. Of course, those of you who work with me every day know far too much, I feel, about the so-called Gord-mania of recent weeks (well, I have had I think one maybe even two Gord-free posts here, you knew he would be making a return appearance sometime soon, didn't you?) so (to quote Sam Roberts, in speaking of a different Gordon (Lightfoot) though) : 'when all else fails, go with the Gord'. So, that was my second (yes, second) technorati search. And it did yield some interesting results, and many nice moments of listening have been spent by me this afternoon as a result.
My first search was (really) library 2.0 blogs, just to see what and whose I might get. Some very interesting discussions are going on out there - I like the idea one blogger had of setting up a small chat thing where participants from her library system could get together once the 23 things had been completed. And I was happy to read that I am not the only one feeling a little bit overwhelmed in some respects by all of this. Well, and underwhelmed as well, there is a dichotomy there, in all honesty. I, as I have written earlier, feel like each of these things might be just One More Thing, you know, but I have been reflecting on some of this and perhaps a more constructive approach is that, although I have learned about a few new and nice (not necessarily hip) things over the past few weeks, I do not need to incorporate all of them into my life. I can pick and choose the ones that work for me and leave behind the ones that do not. As much as I do kinda dig this stuff, techno-girl I will never be. People I know now are perhaps surprised when I tell them I was like the least techy person in my library school class - it is true. And I am fine with that- but I still like to know what is out there and how it can benefit best my life and my provision of good customer service, so I will carry on with the next few weeks, and see what I am feeling when I get to the end of Things 22 and 23.

"Black day in July /Black day in July
The streets of Motor City now are quiet and serene
But the shapes of gutted buildings /Strike terror to the heart
And you say how did it happen / And you say how did it start
Why can't we all be brothers / Why can't we live in peace
But the hands of the have-nots / Keep falling out of reach" Gordon Lightfoot

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